Supporting Communities Across Canada
Greenrock IMPACT is devoted to creating strong, healthy, and environmentally sustainable communities while celebrating cultural diversity and promoting human rights across Canada through a variety of annual initiatives, volunteer programs, and donations. Greenrock IMPACT further supports the most vital real-time needs of our residents and community members.
Greenrock’s COVID-19 Relief Fund Exceeds $4 Million
The COVID-19 pandemic created unique and extreme challenges for our city and communities. In response to this crisis, Greenrock created a relief fund to address concerns surrounding food security, mental health, BIPOC communities, LGBTQ2S+ communities, senior care, shelters and outreach support, and women’s health.
Thanks to a generous new matching campaign by the Green Sanderson Family Foundation, the fund has now exceeded $4 Million in donations.
Food: Daily Bread Food Bank, Food Banks Canada, Black Creek Community Farm, Building Roots/Growing Neighborhoods Foundation, Second Harvest, Fort York Food Bank, Delta Family Resource Centre, St James Town Community Co-op through CanadaHelps
Shelter/Security: Covenant House Toronto, Eva’s Initiatives for Homeless Youth, Albion Neighbourhood Services, YMCA of Greater Toronto, St. Stephen’s Community House, Sistering, Scarborough Centre for Healthy Communities, Out of the Cold Foundation, Haven Toronto
Healthcare: Doctors Without Borders, North York General Foundation (Front Line Worker Support), St. Michael’s Hospital Foundation, Sunnybrook Foundation, Toronto General & Western Hospital Foundation, University Health Network, Michael Garron Hospital Foundation, St. Joseph’s Health Centre Foundation, Humber River Hospital Foundation, The Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation, SickKids Foundation, Sunnybrook Foundation, Sinai Health Foundation, Spinal Cord Injury Ontario, Sherbourne Health
Senior Support: SPRINT Senior Care, Sunshine Centres for Seniors, The Neighbourhood Group
Women Support: The Redwood, Interval House, Women’s College Hospital, Women United (United Way Greater Toronto), Dress for Success Toronto
Child/Youth Support: Kids Help Phone, Variety Village, Children’s Aid Foundation of Canada, The Toronto Children’s Breakfast Club, Child Development Institute
Black, Indigenous and People of Colour (BIPOC) Support: TakingITGlobal, Ontario Native Women’s Association, Toronto Council Fire Native Cultural Centre, Black Health Alliance, Caribbean African Canadian Social Services, Anishnawbe Health Foundation
LGBTQ2S+ Support: The 519, Casey House, QMUNITY, Lesbian Gay Bi Trans Youth Line
Mental Health: Stella’s Place, CAMH
Arts & Culture: Art City in St. James Town
To address the pandemic’s financial strain on residents, Greenrock created a program whereby residents in need can choose to have their last month’s rent (LMR) deposit used as a credit towards their regular rent payments. Furthermore, every suite in Greenrock’s 2000-suite portfolio received $600 of grocery gift cards, totalling over $1.2 Million.
Greenrock IMPACT $100,000 Resident Donation
Greenrock’s IMPACT team has created a unique annual resident donation program that directly involves residents in the nominating and voting process to select the winning charities.
Covenant House, Haven Toronto, Distress Centres of Greater Toronto, Progress Place, Daily Bread Food Bank, Second Harvest.
Caribbean African Canadian (CAFCAN) Social Services, Toronto Council Fire Native Cultural Centre, The Neighbourhood Group/St. Stephen’s Community House, First Interfaith Out of the Cold Program, Progress Place Clubhouse, Distress Centres of Greater Toronto.
Across Boundaries, Ontario Native Women’s Association, Children’s Aid Foundation of Canada, Fort York Food Bank, The Redwood
2019 Winners
The Toronto Children’s Breakfast Club, Eva’s Initiatives for Homeless Youth, Good Foot Support Services, Out of the Cold Foundation, The 519 Church Street Community Centre
2018 Winners
Camp Oochigeas, Casey House, The Redwood, SPRINT Senior Care, Stella’s Place
As seen in…
Toronto Storeys: Toronto Property Management Company Shows How to Support Residents During COVID-19
BlogTO: Toronto Apartment Company Puts Other Landlords to Shame with Incredible COVID-19 Supports
Interval House: 2021 Gratitude Report (Page 13)